For eBooks / books online, check the section for books.
Web pages / Websites
♦ 1. Wikimedia Foundation, "Wikipedia: Manual of Style," last modified June 11, 2020, 23:58, (Note)
Wikimedia Foundation. "Wikipedia: Manual of Style." Last modified June 11, 2020, 23:58. (Bibliography)
♦ 1. Microsoft Corporation, "WD2000: Visual Basic Macro to Assign Clipboard Text to a String Variable.?"
Revision 1.3., Microsoft Help and Support, last modified November 23, 2006.
/kb/212730. (Note)
Microsoft Corporation. "WD2000: Visual Basic Macro to Assign Clipboard Text to a String Variable.?" Revision 1.3.
Microsoft Help and Support. Last modified November 23, 2006.
♦ No author /A descriptive title
“About Biology of Sex Differences: Aims and Scope.” Biology of Sex Differences.
Accessed 14 May 2020. (Bibliography)
(This source has no author with “Aims and Scope” under “About” in the original webpage. So, the entry in the bibliography gives a descriptive phrase. )
Blogs (are cited similarly to online newspapers)
♦ 1. Neil Paine and Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux, "The Economists In Our Survey Are Slightly More Hopeful Than
They Were Two Weeks Ago," Politics (blog), FiveThirtyEight, June 9, 2020,
economists-in-our-survey-are-slightly-more-hopeful-than-they-were-two-weeks-ago/. (note)
Paine, Neil, and Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux. "The Economists In Our Survey Are Slightly More Hopeful Than
They Were Two Weeks Ago." Politics (blog). FiveThirtyEight, June 9, 2020.
Social Media (Citations can often be limited to the text)
♦ 1. Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien), "In honor of Earth Day, I'm recycling my tweets," Twitter, April 22, 2015, 11.10 a.m., (note)
♦ Chicago Manual of Style. "Verbs are where the action is." Facebook, May 26, 2020.
/ChicagoManual/posts/10157589174794151. (Bibliography)
Interviews / Personal Communications
♦ 1. Benjamin Spock, interview by Milton J.E. Senn, November 20,1974, interview 67A, transcript, Senn Oral
History Collection, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. (note)
♦ 2. John Smith, "The Art of Cooking," interview by Kate Johnson, Journal Two, no. 11 (March 2019): 12.
♦ 1. Interview with health-care worker, July 31, 2017. (All interviews were conducted in confidentiality, and the
names of interviewees are withheld by mutual agreement"). (note)
Online document
♦ Accelerate Cure Project. “Analysis of Genetic Mutations or Alleles on the X or Y Chromosome
as Possible Causes of Multiple Sclerosis.” October 2006.
/attachments/phase2-genetics-xy-chromosomes.pdf. (Bibliography)