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ORCID at Sacramento State

Managing your ORCID iD

The more information you add to your ORCHID iD the more useful it will be. A more complete profile lets you fully share your accomplishments to the wider world and engage with others in your academic field.

Make Your Works Public

This maximizes the potential for integration of your ORCID iD into other systems, and automatic updating of databases to attach your ORCID iD to your works.

Add Personal Information 

Add a brief bio, education, and employment) to your ORCID record, and make it public. This can helps distinguish you from people with the same name.

Add Name Variants

Have you published under other names or variations of your name?

Places to use ORCID

Display and Share ORCID iD

Displaying your ORCID iD lets you quickly share your entire body of professional work. To display ORCID recommends using the entire URL and the ORCID iD logo:

Some places to use ORCID iDs are:

  • conference posters
  • webpages,
  • email signatures
  • business cards
  • social media accounts
  • grant proposals
  • grant progress reports
  • manuscripts

Examples From Sacramento State Faculty

Faculty at Sacramento State are already creating ORCID profiles. Here are some examples to see what possibilities there are for your own profile.

More Information

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2025 9:55 AM