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ORCID at Sacramento State


Add Citations from Your Google Scholar Profile

You can citations from your Google Scholar profile to quickly add items to your ORCID record.  Google Scholar can create a BibTeX file that ORCID can understand.

Pull the Info from Your Google Scholar Profile

1. Select specific citations or all of them 

2. Once citations are selected - you can see the export option.

3. Choose BibTeX from the export options and from the next page. Right click to bring up the menu to Save Page As.  Save it where you can easily find it.

Import Works using BibTeX

Using the BibTeX import tool, you can import your research works from systems that have not yet built a connection with ORCID. For more information on how to export your Google Scholar citations to a BibTeX file, please see Google Scholar Citations help.

You will be listed as the source for works added using the BibTeX import tool, and you can manually edit these works after you have imported them.

To import a list of works saved in a BibTeX file into the Works section of your ORCID record:

1. Start at the Works section. Go to Add works. Select Import BibTeX.

Add works, import BibTeX

  1. Click Choose File to open the file menu, then select the BibTeX (.bib) file you want to import.

    Choose file
  2. The publications from the file will appear in a list. Select save (“disk” icon) next to a work to add the work individually, delete ("trash can" icon) to delete the work individually, or save all to add all of the publications at once.

    Save, delete, or save all


The publications will appear listed under works in your record with you listed as the source.


Adapted from UC San Diego's ORCID LibGuide

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2025 9:55 AM