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ORCID at Sacramento State

Add Your Works Manually

To add a work yourself, click Add works, then +Add manually. A box will appear letting you add citation details. 

The more 
information you can add the better!  You can  add a unique identifier for the article but that will not automatically populate the other fields.  You can use a DOI, PMID, ArXiv #, and many more. 

Some of the fields for the citation include:

  • Work category and type (required): The categorization of the work. See the current list of supported work categories and types. If none of the work categories or types refer to your work, use "Other" or the closest equivalent.

  • Title (required): The title of the work.

  • Journal, Conference, Publisher title: The name of the main volume this work was published in, if applicable.

  • Publication date: The date the work was published.

  • Citation: The full citation to the work. If you would like to add co-author information in manual entry, this is a good place.

  • Description: A description of the work, or a short abstract.

  • Identifier: Citations added manually do not require an identifier. Examples include ISBN, DOI, or PMID. Start typing to see the full list of available identifiers.  
  • URL: An external link to the work. 

Adapted from UC San Diego's ORCID LibGuide

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2025 9:55 AM