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ORCID at Sacramento State

Learn about ORCID iDs and how to create your own

What is ORCID?







ORCID iD provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and ensures that your work is recognized by linking you to your professional activities.

Unlike other research IDs, your ORCID iD is universal. It's not tied to any institution or database, and it can follow you wherever your research takes you. An ORCID iDcan travel with you throughout your career whether your institutional affiliation changes, your name changes, or you publish and forget to use your middle initial.  

Publishers, funders, research institutions, and other organizations are increasingly adopting or supporting ORCID. 

You can get started with with ORCID in three easy steps:

1. Register for your ORCID iD

2. Populate your profile

3. Use your ORCID iD


Why Sign up for ORCID?

An ORCID iD protects your scholarly identity by making sure you have a space to collect all of your scholarly works – and works better than a Google Scholar profile. Because ORCID can be updated as you move throughout your career, an ORCID record spans all those moves and lasts longer than just one institutional email address.

ORCID supports many types of “works,” from the traditional article, to art works, dance performances, datasets and more.

A growing number of funders and publishers are requiring ORCID iDs on applications and submissions. The next time you submit a manuscript, you may be asked for your ORCID iD. Sign up now and be ready for the next time you want to publish an article or apply for a grant.

Who is ORCID, Inc?

ORCID iDs are Open Researcher and Contributor Identifiers. They are provided to researchers as unique identifiers to distinguish their research from that of others who may have similar names. ORCID, Inc., is an international, not-for-profit organization that manages the registry of researchers who have claimed ORCIDs. For more about the organization, see the ORCID FAQ page.

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2025 9:55 AM