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GPHD 155: Graphic Design Systems II

Claritas 360

Claritas 360 will help you find information about customers engaging in certain activities and behaviors. In other words, the demographics of the people who go to the institutions you are researching. The process can be confusing, so here is a step-by-step breakdown to get a report:

  • Click on the link above, and then click "Claritas 360" from the top menu (towards the right). Then click "Log In to Claritas 360" (blue button).
  • Click "Reports," then "Segmentation Reports"
  • Click "Profiler Reports," then "Profile Worksheet"
  • PRIZM Premier is the only option on the page, make sure it is grayed/selected, and click "Next"
  • Use the search bar to enter a keyword related to your institution, keeping in mind it has information about specific behaviors (visited a museum, has a garden, types of vacations, etc.). You may not find results for your institution, so keep thinking of words and behaviors that may be related. Be sure to click the orange "Search" button to get results.
  • Click on your chosen behavior from the list (you can choose more than one), and click "Next."
  • Click "Next" again (report defaults in Ascending order)
  • Choose the demographics you are interested in, click "Next" (you may want all of them)
  • Enter a report name - this will help you remember what you were researching, especially if you need to go back into Claritas for this report; Click "Submit" (it may take several minutes)
  • Click "Report Output" to download your report

The first piece of information you will want to check on this report is the "Index," which is the very last column on the right.

  • The higher the index number, the more likely that "segment group" is to participate in that behavior. (Below 100 = less likely to do, over 100 = more likely to do). Find the groups with the highest index numbers on the list, and those are the segments that are more likely to do the behavior(s) you include for this report.
  • Each segment group has corresponding demographics such as age, household income, household composition (w/ or w/out kids), lifestage group, urbanicity (what type of area they live), education level, etc.
Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024 4:02 PM