This guide is to help you do research on your chosen institution and industry. Since cultural institutions are not generally as profit-generating as other types of companies, finding financial information and other details can be challenging. The larger and more well-known your institution, the more information you will find (i.e., if you choose something small and local, it will be more difficult than if you choose the Metropolitan Museum of Art).
The tabs provided on this guide are divided into the type of information you'll find on each.
- Start with "Resources for a General Overview" to find industry info and, if you choose a larger institution, maybe find a detailed company history.
- Then use "Statista" to get a variety of statistical info on your industry, and possibly the institution itself. Then check "Intellect" to see if they have a report on your institution (or a similar one).
- Finally, a resource called "Claritas" will help you learn more about the people who are visiting or using the services of your institution. Professionals in the workforce subscribe to and use this resource in their market research, so it's a great one to learn!
You can access all of these resources from anywhere you have an internet connection, using your SacLink credentials. Please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance!