Did you know that you can't search the Library databases the same way you do Google? Watch this short video to learn how to search for articles effectively.
To find a specific journal select Advanced Search in OneSearch. Change Any field to Title and choose Material Type = journals
To improve your database search results try using the truncation symbol, an asterisk * Click here to learn more about truncation when searching the EbscoHost databases.
Articles can be identified by searching in one of the Library databases. There may be aditional databases listed under the Specific Subjects within Geology tab.
ScienceDirect is a full text online database for scientific, technical and medical information as well as information in the social sciences, business, and the arts and humanities. Access to over 2,200 journals and 26,000 books. Coverage 1823-present. Updated 8/14/14
Many of the databases will only provide you with a citation. To retreive the full text of an article from within most databases, use the Find It @SacState link, which can usually be found at the end of a database record summary.