In the fall of 2013 the CSUS Library switched from the online catalog called EUREKA to a discovery system and a new, or "next generation" catalog called ALMA which integrated almost all the things indexed in EUREKA with content material previously only accessible through databases. While not perfected as yet (Dec.20130, if you have very specific search terms it can be very effective in finding a broad scope of content. For material about the Japanese American experience, the subject headings below are still useful.
Sample Subject Headings:
Immigrants -- California
Japanese American farmers --California
Japanese Americans -- Biography
Japanese Americans -- California
Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945
Japanese Americans Civil Rights
Concentration Camps United States
Sacramento Calif - History
Sacramento County Calif - History
Sacramento Valley Calif - History
United States. War Relocation Authority
World War 1939 1945 Concentration Camps United States
World War, 1939-1945 -- Japanese Americans
World War, 1939-1945 -- Reparations
Author Search:
Japanese American Citizen's League.
Japanese American National Museum.
Daniels, Roger (writes books on race relations, exclusion, camps, & redress)
Tsukamoto, Mary
Title search:
Japanese American Archival Collection
Advanced Keyword search:
(Japanese Americans) and Sacramento