In addition to the databases listed below you can search paper and microfilm copies of local history journals and newspapers, which include:
- The Californians. 1983-1995
- California History. 1978-current
- California Historical Quarterly. 1971-1977
- California Historical Society Quarterly. 1922-1970
- Golden Notes. (Sacramento County Historical Society) 1954-2000
- Japanese-American courier, January 1, 1938 - April 24, 1942. [microform] Special Collections
- Sacramento Bee. 1 South Lib Media Center 1857-current (Microfilm)
- Sacramento Daily Record-Union. 1 South Lib Media Center 1875-1891 (Microfilm)
- Sacramento Union. 1 South Lib Media Center 1851-1906, 1968-Jan 14, 1994 (Microfilm)
- Sacramento Union. 1 South Sp Coll 1903-1991 (Paper) Can be viewed by appointment, 278-6144.
- Sacramento Observer. 1 South Lib Media Center 1973-current (Microfilm)
Periodicals dated 1980-current are located on 3 SOUTH in alphabetical order by periodical title.
Those dated prior to 1980 are on the lower level.
Please note: Off Campus access to some of these databases is restricted to CSUS faculty, staff and students and requires a SacLink login.