In-text citations require the author(s) or author group and year of publication.
Basic In-Text Citation Styles:
Author Type |
In-Text Citation |
Basic Citation |
(Author, Year) |
One author |
(Smith, 2020) |
Two authors |
(Brown & Jones, 2020) |
Three or more authors |
(Miller et al., 2020) |
Group author with abbreviation |
First citation: (Society for Classical Studies [SCS], 2020)
Subsequent citations: (SCS, 2020)
Group author without abbreviation |
(Harvard University, 2020) |
No date |
(Environmental Protection Agency, n.d.) |
Source within a source |
(O'Hare, 1952, as cited in Nice et al., 2010) |
Specific part of a source, such as a page number or range, table, paragraph, chapter, etc.
(APA, 2020, p. 264)
(Shakespeare, 1.3.36–37)
Personal Communication |
(L. Wang, personal communication, February 24, 2019) |
Work that has been translated, reprinted, republished, or reissued after the year it was originally published.
(Freud, 1900/2018) |
Additional Guidelines:
- When repeating an in-text citation, it is necessary to include both the last name(s) and year; except within the same paragraph—in that case, it is only necessary to repeat the author's(s) name(s).
- The abbreviation "ibid" is NEVER used in APA Style.
- If the date is part of the narrative, it is not necessary to include it in parentheses.
- Put multiple citations in alphabetical order and separate them with semicolons.
- If the author is unknown, use the title in place of the author.
- Include additional information in the citation when different sources would otherwise have identical citations:
- Include additional author(s) when the first two are identical: Lee, Li, Liu et al. (2017) and Lee, Li, Zhang, et al. (2017)
- For works by the same author(s) in the same year, include a lower case letter starting with a, b, etc. after the year (also include this in your reference citation): Ali and James (2019a) and Ali and James (2019b) state . . .
- When different authors have the same surname, include their initials: (E. Smith, 2014; S. Smith and A. Watts, 2018). If different authors have the same surname and initials, use the standard author–date format.