Use the Library of Congress (LC) call number areas for browsing the shelves on the 4th floor.
GV 435-436 | Physical Fitness Testing (2nd floor) |
QM 100-105 | Anatomy (muscle-skeletal) |
QP 301-341 | Physiology/Kinesiology |
RA 975.5 | Medical/special services |
RC 349-350; 406; 422 | Diagnostic procedures/therapeutics |
RC 400-422 | Diseases/nervous system |
RC 735; 953.8 | Physical therapy. Occupational therapy |
RC 1200-1238 | Sports--medical aspects |
RD 101 | Fractures |
RD 680-795 | Orthopedics |
RJ 52-53 | Pediatrics/therapeutics |
RM 695-950 | Physical Medicine |
Books listed here are specific for Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Rehabilitation. See the box below this for books specific to Orthopedics.
Reference books on general topics such as anatomy, biology, physiology, etc., are listed under the FINDING BOOKS tab at the top of the page.
Most of these books are located at 2 North Reference
Books listed here are specific for Orthopedic. Reference books on general topics such as anatomy, biology, physiology, etc., are listed under the FINDING BOOKS tab at the top of the page.
Most of these books are located at 2 North Reference
See the Films on Demand database for more films on Anatomy/Orthopedic/Rehabilitation/etc. topics.