Listed below are a few resources available in the Library as well as some web resources.
Organization and government web sites will have policy papers, statistics, research reports, journals, articles, guidelines, etc. On each site look for links or tabs labeled Reports, Statistics, Publications, etc., to access these sources.
BOOKS / Websites
OneSearch is the CSUS Library catalog and contains the material holdings of the CSUS Library including books, ebooks and videos.
Use the multi-box ADVANCED SEARCH to search more precisely by title, author, keyword or subject. Then limit results to BOOKS and then limit again to items in the Library by clicking on the Library Catalog link under options listed to the left of screen.
See the Library Research Guides below for more help using ONESEARCH to locate materials in the Library.
Books on Computer Science are located on the 3rd and 4th floor of the Library (except Reference books which are on 2 North.) Browse the shelves by call number to see the Library's holdings.
3rd Floor
4th Floor
The Library subscribes to a number of E-book collections. Safari Books Online (see link below) focuses on e-books for Computer Science. But the other collections might also have books of interest. One can also search OneSearch for e-books. The guide for finding e-books at CSUS is also listed below.