The databases listed are recommended for locating articles on computer science topics. See the Databases & Article Searching page for Computer Science and for more database options.
ScienceDirect is a full text online database for scientific, technical and medical information as well as information in the social sciences, business, and the arts and humanities. Access to over 2,200 journals and 26,000 books. Coverage 1823-present. Updated 8/14/14
Off-campus access is available to all current CSUS students, faculty, and staff to many Library electronic resources.
Connecting to electronic resources from off-campus may require authentication with SacLink User ID and password. Full instructions are here.
To find a specific journal use the Journal Titles A-Z List, or do a title search in OneSearch a journal and limit the results to JOURNALS ( under 'Refine my Results' to the left of the screen.) ~~~
To improve your database search results try using the truncation symbol. Truncation symbols vary by database, but the usual suspects are an asterisk * exclamation mark ! or a pound # sign. Click here for an explanation on the EBSCO databases.
~~~ A great way to see what the latest research is in any subject area is to select a journal (online of course, using the Journal Titles A-Z list) and then browsing the table of contents.
Google Scholar searches for references to scholarly articles and research papers. Sometimes the full text is posted online and linked, other times users will see a "Find It at Sac State" option next to the Google Scholar listing (see explaination above). Follow these instructions to configure Google Scholar to display the "Find It at Sac State" link. Except for the most simple queries, using Google Scholar Advanced Search is recommended.
Click here for help using Google Scholar.