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Classical Studies

Articles & Databases


1. To find a specific print or e-journal by title or ISSN, search the Journal Titles List.

2. When you already know the article author, title, journal, issue, etc., and just need to find the full-text (if available), try the Article Citation Linker!

3. To improve your database search results try using the truncation symbol, often an asterisk "*". So searching photo* will simultaneously search photo, photos, photography, photographic, etc.

Article Databases

L'Année philologique is the most comprehensive index to the scholarship of Classical studies (Ancient Greece and Rome) across all disciplines. Start with this database to find references to articles, books, etc. and then seek out the resources themselves in full-text article databases, OneSearch, or through interlibrary loan.

On-line Journals

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2024 2:07 PM