The Sac State Library provides access to many streaming media resources. Faculty are encouraged to search the Library's collection of streaming media databases before submitting a request.
Streaming content is ever-evolving, so we encourage you to contact the librarian for your subject area for assistance in identifying media resources. Please have a contingency plan if we are unable to license a film or meet your required timeframe.
The Library is not able to fulfill all requests for streaming media titles. Unlike physical media, which can be purchased and viewed for years, streaming media is more expensive and usually only available for a limited-term license. Unfortunately, we cannot get access to titles where the only outlet on which it's streaming has an individual subscription business model, like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Vudu, iTunes, YouTube, etc.
If there is a title you would like to use that is not active in one of our streaming platforms, please request it through the Course Reserve Request Form. We will consider the following criteria before approving streaming media requests:
- Please consider exploring our streaming video content databases before requesting media purchases.
- A maximum of 10 streaming titles will be licensed for any one course for a given semester.
- We are not able to systematically license streaming media for feature films for on-campus or hybrid classes. These are often cost-prohibitive for institution-wide licenses. Whenever possible, we will purchase DVD copies of these films and make them available for students to watch individually or as a group in the Library's Media Viewing Room.
- Note that setting up streaming agreements with vendors can be time-consuming. Please plan ahead, allowing as much time as possible to license these materials.
- The Library does not offer media digitization services for DVDs or VHS tapes.
- Any exceptions to the above must be approved by Head of Collection Management Services, Brenda Carrillo, or an Associate Dean David Gibbs or Nicole Lawson.