What is the Chicago Manual of Style?
The Chicago Manual of Style is an American English style and usage guide published continuously by the University of Chicago Press since 1906. Today, it is used widely in many academic disciplines and is considered the standard for US style in book publishing. The Chicago Manual of Style has become a staple reference for writers and editors, in part because it was one of the first style guides to be published in book form, and the only one from an academic press in North America. (Other style guides are published by professional associations.) Eventually, the Manual became a canonical work synonymous with its home institution, akin to the Oxford English Dictionary.
from The Chicago Manual of Style, explained | University of Chicago News (uchicago.edu)
I created this guide to help researchers cite government and legal information. I'm indebted to Bowdin College that created an extensive guide for citing information and borrowed their formatting guide. It relied mainly on the Chicago Manual but also utilized some other government documents citing sources and the Harvard Bluebook.
Must use Chrome to access: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://library.bowdoin.edu/research/chicago-gov.pdf
i created my own examples for this research guide.
Hong Wang, my colleague created a guide to the Chicago Style Manual with links to our Library's subscription to the online citing guide.
Home - Chicago Manual of Style --Library Guide - Research Guides & Library How-To at California State University Sacramento (libguides.com)
Ben Amata, Government Information Librarian