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Anti-Racist Resources for Fine and Performing Arts

This guide provides resources for anti-racist reflection and programatic review for the departments of Art and Art History, School of Music, and Theatre and Dance.


As the Fine and Performing Arts Librarian at Sacramento State I work in service to the faculty, staff, and students responding to--and affected by--the racism and subjugation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) at our institution. As a librarian I work in consultation with my constituents to determine their information needs and then locate resources to meet those needs. In a time when we are being called to implement critical changes to the culture of higher education, I am committed to locating information sources that may help us move from reflection to movement and consequence.

As we all walk our own paths to understanding and compassion for ourselves and others, I cannot assume to know what any one human--or collection of humans--may need. So, if you are unsure of exactly what you are looking for, we can figure it out together. Part of my professional training includes helping folks figure out the question they want to ask. As an example of how I might help Fine and Performing Arts leaders collect information to develop transformative policy, I have put together this guide. If none of these resources meet your needs, please let me know what I can do to best support your work.

Please use the menu on the left to navigate to your department/school page for subject specific resources. 

Articles, Interviews, and Posts

Sample Statements and Plans Committing to Anti-Racism


The Path to Ending Systemic Racism in the U.S.


Why it's so Hard to Talk about the N Word


How to Deconstruct Racism One Headline at a Time


Radical Self Care

Last Updated: Jan 18, 2024 12:33 PM