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Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs)


Sacramento State requires graduate students with a departmentally approved thesis, project, or dissertation to submit it electronically on Proquest ETD Administrator. These publications are also discoverable and available full-text via Sac State Scholars, the University's institutional repository, and through the Library catalog, OneSearch. Descriptive information about deposited works is made available to Google Scholar and other services.

What is Sac State Scholars?

An institutional repository and faculty profile system, Sac State Scholars hosts, preserves, and celebrates Sac State's scholarly and creative output; highlights areas of expertise; and helps connect our community with potential partners and collaborators. 


What is ScholarWorks?

ScholarWorks presents scholarship from the California State University system on a shared, open platform.

Last Updated: Oct 26, 2023 4:13 PM