These resources provide brief statistical snapshots of a particular industry including employment, earnings, number of establishments, etc. See resources in the Industry Overviewsection if looking for a narrative analysis of an industry.
Includes statistical charts, graphs, and tables for a wide variety of industries. Items can be exported in a variety of formats including PowerPoint slides, images, and Excel tables.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides employment data by industry at this web site. Coverage includes: workforce statistics, employment projections, price indexes, and worker productivity.
U.S. Industry & Market Outlook
Available in print at 2 North Reference HC 101 U542 Provides brief statistical data, trends, and employment data.
Further Print Business Statistical Resources
The following provide general industry, economic, and demographic statistics. All are available in print in the 2 North Reference collection.
Business Statistics of the United States - Ref HC 106.5 S9
Statistical Abstract of the United States - Ref HA 202
Standard and Poor's Statistical Service - Ref HG 4921 S752