Attributing the creator is necessary anytime you use an image. Whether you had to obtain permission or it was freely available to use, it is necessary to give credit to the creator or copyright holder. Make sure to read the usage rights statements on websites to understand if there is specific wording that needs to be used.
There are potentially three places you will need to cite.
Here are some examples for citing in MLA, APA and Chicago formats.
You will need to include as much information as possible:
Last-name, First-name or Username. “Title of Image.” Medium of work. Date of resource creation. Title of webpage or article. Name of site.
Image Caption:
Fig. 1. “Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane.” NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.
Works Cited:
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. “Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane.” Photograph. 19 Feb. 2012. Flickr.
You will need to provide as much information as possible:
Last-name, first-name initial. (Role of the creator). (Year of creation). Title of image or description of work. [Type of work]. Retrieved from URL/database
The aurora borealis (see Figure 1) is a natural multicolor light display produced by solar wind particles seem in high latitude regions.
Image Caption:
Figure 1. Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane. This figure illustrates the aurora borealis aboard the International Space Station. Image credit: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center via Flickr.
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. (2012). Aurora Over Calgary and Spokane. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Citing Images in Chicago (17th ed.)
Author-Date (social sciences, sciences):
Creator's Last name, First name. Date created. Title of Work. Medium, Date of Work. Title of Source, Location, Date of Publication. URL.
McCurry, Steve.1984. Afghan Girl. Photograph, December 1984. National Geographic, cover, June 1985.
In text citation: (McCurry 1984)
Notes & Bibliography (arts, history, humanities):
1 Creator's first and last name, Title of Work, date, medium, dimensions, location, or collection (publication details in brackets for footnotes), date accessed and URL.
McCurry, Steve. Afghan Girl. December 1984. Photograph. National Geographic, cover, June 1985.
First note:
5. Steve McCurry, Afghan Girl, December 1984, photograph, National Geographic, cover, June 1985,
Shortened Note:
6. McCurry, Afghan Girl.
MORE Details and Example Citations for Chicago from: Carleton University's Macodrum Library and DiMenna-Nyselius Library