Antidote to Murder. Scientific American. October 2015, v.313, no.4 p 48-50.
City leaders across the Americas are exploiting science to reduce homicide.
Fixing Broken Windows. New Yorker. 9/7/2015, Vol. 91 Issue 26, p38-1.
Profiles New York City police commissioner Bill Bratton. Topics include Bratton's history in relation to the New York Police Department (N.Y.P.D.) and its use of stop-and-frisk tactics, his use of broken-windows policing and the policing software CompStat, and the relation of quality-of-life policing to police relations with racial and ethnic minority groups.
Meet an Architect of Police Gun Violence By Matt Apuzzo, New York Times 03 August 15
The shooting looked bad. But that is when the professor is at his best. A black motorist, pulled to the side of the road for a turn-signal violation, had stuffed his hand into his pocket. The white officer yelled for him to take it out. When the driver started to comply, the officer shot him dead.
The driver was unarmed. Taking the stand at a public inquest, William J. Lewinski, the psychology professor, explained that the officer had no choice but to act.
How more female police officers would help stop police brutality. Katherine Spillar. Washington Post Blogs. July 2, 2015 Thursday 10:05 AM EST
Over the last year, America has finally begun to acknowledge that it has a police brutality problem. The conversation about solutions has focused on body cameras, better training or stricter use-of-force policies, along with a need for community engagement. But a critical idea is being overlooked: increasing the numbers of women in police ranks. As David Couper, the former chief of police in Madison, Wis., recently wrote: Women in policing make a difference - a big difference - they make for a better police department. Haven't you wondered why women police are not the ones involved in recent officer involved shootings? After all, they are usually smaller, somewhat weaker in physical strength, and yet they don't appear to shoot suspects as often.
FBI admits errors at trials. BYLINE: Spencer S. Hsu. Washington Post, April 19, 2015 Sunday.
he Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.