We subscribe to ebrary Academic Complete which provides access to over 80,000 titles in the following fields: business & economics, history, humanities, computers IT, education, fine arts, political science, psychology, physical sciences, nursing etc.
Ebook Central features:
- Books can be downloaded and read offline for one- days.
- Log in with Saclink User ID and password to be able to download e-books, create and save books to your shelf and to save notes, highlights.
- Sections of a book can be saved as PDF.
- Printing allowance varies by title, but usually around 60 pages are allowed.
- Text can be copied and pasted one page at a time while in the Ebook Central Reader. Only a limited number of pages can be copied.
- Notes can be made if logged in with personal account.
- Citations can be exported to EndNote.
Notes for Sacramento State users:
- Majority of titles are "Unlimited User Titles" and can be read and even downloaded by multiple users simultaneously.
- However, some Ebook Central e-books labeled "Limited User Title" can be simultaneously read by only 1-3 individuals depending on number of user licenses available.
- Once the checkout period has elapsed for a downloaded book, that file for the ebook expires and any notes or annotations made will be lost. If you wish to continue reading/using the book a new copy of the ebook can be downloaded (if available), but the notes taken on the previous download will not be included in the new download.