To display books only available through Sac State, you have two options:
1. Change search criteria: Search for: Books & Media (Sac State)
This method will show items (print and electronic) only at Sac State versus all the CSUs.
Click on the carrot in the search criteria box.
Select "Books and Media (Sac State)"
Then, click on search to change the setting.
2. Filter results by Location.
This method will display items that are in print and physically owned by the University Library at Sac State.
You can select as many location codes as you like. Don't forget to click on "apply Filters" to generate the new list.
Try other key words along with the subject term: "Juvenile Fiction" and "Location" filters to narrow your search.
Social Justice
Make sure to click on "Search" to generate new results with your search term.