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History: Ancient

Searching for Books

ONESEARCH is a catalog of items owned by the CSUS Library.  Books can be searched for by title, author, keyword and subject (Library of Congress Subject Headings).

Some suggested subects for locating works on ancient history are:

  • history ancient 
  • civilization ancient 
  • civilization classical

Also, one can search for countries as a subject with the subheading history and then time periods that represent the ancient world, usually before the 6th century:

  • Greece History 146 B C 323 A D
  • Greece History 281 146 B C
  • Greece History 323 1453

Use Advanced Keyword to search for books on topics such as:  

  • "alexander the great"
  • cleopatra
  • caesar and gallic war
  • greece and women 
  • rome and law 
  • egypt and customs

Browsing: Below are some locations and Call Numbers for browsing the shelves for books on Ancient Greece:

2 South DE1-100, DF10-289 for History
2 South BL700-820 for Mythology
3 North PA3050-4505 for Literature


The book (monograph) is one of the most important avenues that historians use for communicating scholarly research. 

Use ONESEARCH to find historical research available at Sacramento State and the other CSUs.

Use WORLDCAT & UC Davis' Harvest catalog to locate material we don't own.

Searching for Books (monographs) at CSUS

Keyword Searching:

  • Searches only for the words, not the concepts.
  • Is often the best search to do initially, until you know what the Subject terms are.
  • Can be used in conjunction with an outline to conceptualize a topic.
Subject Searching:
  • Searches the concept (as defined by the Library of Congress Subject Headings)
  • Is often better done when the keyword search isn't garnering material appropriate to the topic.
  • May take more work, but will yield better results than a keyword search.

  Other Catalogs

Other catalgos allow one to find material not owned by CSUS.

Last Updated: Jul 30, 2024 11:13 AM