Some of the content on this page has been adapted with permission from Terri Holtze, Web Services Librarian, from the University of Louisville's Accessible Web Sites: Best Practices guide.
Enter links as links - not in rich text fields. Reuse existing links when possible. While sometimes this cannot be avoided due to context, avoid embedding links in the text.
Do not set links to open in a new window. Use the Use System Default (Current Window) option. This enables use of the browser's back button to function as it is intended.
Linking to PDFs - When linking to a PDF, include "PDF" in the link title so that people using screen readers know they are about to open a PDF.
Add Databases as Databases - not as links. These are the ones that get updated first and remain consistent.
Reuse existing boxes - do not copy - so that content is mapped and therefore updates across all of our LibGuides.
Test your new links when you add them to a LibGuide.
Use the LibGuide Link Checker to check links. This is under Tools --> Link Checker. This will only work when links are added as links, and will not check links added in rich text/html or widgets.
To find your broken link assets in LibGuides:
To fix broken link assets:
If you have not found the correct link or would rather delete the asset altogether:
To dismiss a flagged link that you see is actually working (false positive situation):
When adding links, use the System Default (Current Window).
Adding links that are set to open in a new window can be confusing for non-sighted and mobile users. Some screen readers and mobile devices given little indication that a new tab or window has opened. If you cannot avoid displaying a new window, insert a warning into the link text such as the following: "opens in a new window".
When adding links, avoid adding them in the rich text/HTML. LibGuides' Link Checker cannot check these links if those links become broken. Instead, add links as link assets and provide a descriptive link name.
If it is contextually necessary to embed a link in the rich text, hyperlink the descriptive text as opposed to using language like "more here." Vague language creates problems for our patrons who use screen readers to navigate our site. Typically, they use the tab key to jump from link to link as their way of skimming the page. When the links are labeled vaguely or in a way that requires the user to see the context around it to make sense of the link, it makes that content inaccessible.
When adding link assets, there is an element in LibGuides that unfortunately encourages us to create "More" links. I am pointing it out to ask that you NOT use it. When you add a link to the system, you will see an editing box that allows you to put text in a "More Info" box. Do NOT put information in this box.
When adding a Database or Link asset to your guide, there are features that allow you to control how the database/link description displays.
If you would like the database/link description to be displayed, set the description display to either inherit settings, display below, or none.
Do not select "Hover over title" or "Clickable "info" icon for displaying descriptions. The pop-up box that displays when hovering over the asset and the "i" icon are inaccessible and should not be used. As of February 2024, this has been reported to SpringShare as options that should be discontinued.