Index to articles from leading physical sciences publications including journals, conference proceedings, standards, and magazines published by AIP Publishing and partners. Coverage 1930’s-present.
Engineering Village: Online format of Compendex, indexing engineering and physical science journals, patents, conferences and technical reports. Coverage 1970-present.
'...scientific, technical and medical information as well as information in the social sciences, business, and the arts and humanities.Coverage 1823-present.
'... more than 300 journals are searchable with most titles reaching back to 1996. Subject covered are business, computer science, education, engineering, law, life and physical sciences, math, and psychology...'
GeoRef provides coverage in subject areas such as mineralogy and crystallography, general mineralogy, mineralogy of silicates, and mineralogy of non-silicates.
'... full video access to thousands of video titles in Humanities & Social Sciences, Business & Economics, Health & Medicine, Science & Mathematics ...'
Cornell University Library
arXiv is an e-print service that provides open access to almost 1.3 million e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics. It is owned and operated by Cornell University.
Available in Lower Level Index Area QCZ 7143 P48 Library has 1941-1996; 1941-1971 under the title Science Abstracts: Series A
Finding specific journals
Use Journal Search to find a specific journal by the journal name or the journal ISSN. You can also seach a alphbetical list of journals titles.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar searches for references to scholarly articles and research papers. Sometimes the full text is posted online and linked, other times users will see a "Find It at Sac State" option next to the Google Scholar listing (see explaination above). Follow these instructions to configure Google Scholar to display the "Find It at Sac State" link. Except for the most simple queries, using Google Scholar Advanced Search is recommended.