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AMA Style Guide

Article Basics


An article is an information resource found in a periodical (source published on a regular basis). Examples of periodicals include journals, newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. 

Print Article:

Author's last name Initial(s). Title of article. Abbreviated Periodical Title. Year;volume number(issue number):inclusive pages. DOI or URL

Online Article:

When citing electronic material, in addition to the basic information included as with print references, you must also, in general, include the DOI. If the DOI is not available, include the URL (link) to the item as well as the date you accessed it.

Author's last name Initial(s). Title of article. Abbreviated Periodical Title. Publication Date. DOI (or Acessed Month Day, Year. URL)

Article Examples

One Author

St John Smith EP. Advances in understanding nociception and neuropathic pain. J Neurol. 2018;265(2):231‐238. doi:10.1007/s00415-017-8641-6

Two–Six Authors
Separate authors with commas. 

Gheorghe A, Mahdi LM, Musat O. Age-related macular degeneration. Rom J Ophthalmol. 2015;59(2):74‐77.

Seven or More Authors
List first three followed by "et al."

Adams PR, Altes A, Brissot P, et al. Therapeutic recommendations in HFE hemochromatosis for p.Cys282Tyr (C282Y/C282Y) homozygous genotype. Hepatol Int. 2018;12(2):83‐86. doi:10.1007/s12072-018-9855-0

Editors instead of authors: 

Place a comma after the editors' names and add eds. End with a period.

  • Parish CC, Huss AN, eds.

No authors:

Start with the title of the item (book, article, web resource)

Group/Organization/Government Author

US Preventive Services Task Force. Primary care–based interventions to prevent illicit drug use in children, adolescents, and young adults: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. JAMA. 2020;323(20):2060–2066. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.6774

Individual and Group/Organization/Government Authors

Harris DM, Borsky AE; CNA Health ACTION Partnership for SATIS-PHI/CRC. Health care systems for tracking colorectal cancer screening tests. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Magazine Article

Nierengarten MB, Oski JA. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Rethinking remission. Contemp Pediatr. 2014;31(7):14-19.

Newspaper Article

Yaffe-Bellany D. Consumers lost taste for big dairy. New York Times. November 14, 2019. Accessed May 21, 2020.

Last Updated: Oct 13, 2024 3:28 PM