- It is important to understand how images are typically described - images are retrieved through searching the text that accompanies them: captions, titles, tags, descriptions, surrounding text, text of the webpage, html markup, and other metadata.
- Visual components and subjects of images are rarely described in detail.
- Images are not usually cataloged with controlled vocabularies like books (although they may be in academic databases).
- Unlike with text research, we can't rely on "full text" searching (searching all content/every word of the source).
- Keep in mind, these terms were created by humans and are therefore subject to all kinds of biases (including what has been decided are the "appropriate uses" for the information), and the systems these are organized and cataloged in do not allow for complete objectivity.

Example from the library's Artstor database:
Thomson, Tom, 1877-1917. (c.1910s). Reference: Northern River watercolor sketch. Retrieved from https://library.artstor.org/asset/ARTSTOR_103_41822000894277