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Information Literacy Instruction at Sac State

FYE Curriculum for One-Shots

The purpose of this page is to host the lesson plan and instructional materials for one-shot information literacy sessions for FYE courses. If you have any questions, please contact Sam or Emily. 

FYE Interactive Online Tutorials

The following online tutorials are asynchronous, interactive tutorials that can be given to students via link, or within Canvas courses with integration into the Canvas gradebook (each tutorial has a short quiz or activity at the end). 

More information about the tutorials, and importing into Canvas courses, here:

The Role of the Library and Finding Information


  • Understand the role of library research tools within the larger information ecosystem.
  • Conduct basic searches in OneSearch and identify credible academic sources on a particular topic.

Introduces students to the role of the library in providing academic sources for their research, illustrates how to get help from librarians, and ends with an interactive OneSearch tutorial that teaches them how to perform searches for a variety of source types.

Canvas gradebook will show whether the student completed the tutorial, and the second part of the tutorial includes activities and questions that are reflected in a personalized Certificate of Completion that the student will download.


Information Evaluation: Online Verification Skills 


  • Identify appropriate criteria to evaluate the credibility and relevance of a source.

Requires students to watch a series of very short videos from Mike Caulfield, the Director of Blended and Networked Learning at Washington State University and the author of the open access book Web Literacy for Student Fact Checkers...And Other People Who Care About Facts. He has developed clear and simple ways to teach students how to fact-check and evaluate the sources of information they find online, and I’ve created activities to allow them to practice these skills.

Activities throughout (ungraded); five-question quiz at the end, 100% required to pass, unlimited attempts allowed.


Information Sources: Identifying What You Need 


  • Distinguish the differences among common types of information sources, and how that will affect the usefulness of the source for specific information needs.

An interactive tutorial that teaches students the more specific differences between popular and scholarly sources, focusing on their purpose and place in the information cycle. It defines the peer-review process and covers why students would use each type of source for different information needs.

Five-question quiz at the end, 100% required to pass, unlimited attempts allowed.

Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 12:21 PM