You will want to consider using different keywords in your searches to find the best sources on your topic:
- What are synonyms and related words you can include in your search to give yourself more options? (e.g., teenager = adolescent)
- What terms can you think of that get to a narrower aspect of your topic? (e.g., addiction = alcohol addiction, substance abuse)
You don't have to think of these terms on your own!
- Simply Googling your topic will show you many different terms to explore, in the titles of the results, the questions provided by Google, related/suggested searches, definitions, etc.
- Look for a Wikipedia article related to your topic. Tons of related and more specific areas of your topic, organizations involved, related sources and topics, etc.
- As seen in the image above, the library's research databases can help you with synonyms and related terms. Type the word "OR" after a keyword, and the database will suggest other related keywords (parents or parenting or parenthood).