This website provides a portal to research and information. I hope you will find it useful for identifying and linking to scholarly research. To get started, click on the topic tabs to the left. Click here for a variety of ways to get help (phone, Zoom, in-person, e-mail or chat). Or contact me if you would like to arrange a consultation or ask a question.
Mary-Kate Finnegan at
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One starting point for ideas is to browse journals - look for trending topics and how issues are currently framed. Here are a few journals at the library:
Annual Review of Environment and Resources
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Earth's Future
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Urban Studies
Global Environmental Politics
To find other journals type the journal title or subject in the OneSearch box on the library's homepage
Use a Concept Map to help develop your topic. It is simply a visual way of looking at your ideas and how they relate to each other.
Here is one from Penn State that demonstrates the steps: Creating a Concept Map
watch this 3 minute video from the Douglas College Library to learn how to create your own map [video]
Use this one from the Univ of Arizona to fill in the blanks and create your own.
"On an early morning run, I find myself alone in a forest of redwoods. I feel utterly insignificant as I run beneath trees that are wider than I am tall, and which have stood proudly as generations of people like me have come and gone. I am struck by the fact that these trees do not require humanity for sustenance, yet we have the power to control their destiny. Despite this capability, I cannot help but think that something about this conquerable natural world will always be greater than me. Something about these tall trees fills me with an unshakeable sense of reverence and awe that makes me want to preserve this snapshot of beauty for its own sake and for the sake of all who will follow me...." Follow this link to keep reading.
By Allie Sibole was a 2012-13 Environmental Ethics Fellow at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University.