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Set up and access the SciFinder Scholar database. It is available to current students and employees with their MySacState login account.

Registered User?

Open this link if you have a SciFinder-n Account:  SciFinder-n

SciFinder is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, except:

Saturdays 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time

First Saturday, 2:00 - 10 p.m. Pacific Time


SciFinder Scholar is the online equivalent of Chemical Abstracts. Published since 1907, this index covers journals, reports, conferences, book chapters, dissertations, patents, etc. Sacramento State access is available only to current students and employees with a valid SacLink account.

Set up your SciFinder Account

Register for your SciFinder-n Account

1.    Only currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff can register.

2.    You must register from an on-campus computer using your Saclink email account.

3.    Your SciFinder Scholar account username must be unique and contain 5-15 characters. You may include a dash, underscore, period, and @.         Why not use your email account?

4.    Your account password must contain 7-15 characters and include at least 3 of the following:

a.     Letters

b.    Mixed upper and lower case letters

c.    Numbers

d.    Characters (e.g., @, #, %, &, *)

5.    Select a security question from the drop down list and provide an answer. Submit.

6.    After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email in your SacLink email account with instructions for completing your registration.

7.   You must respond within 48 hours. If you don't see the email, check your spam filter or junk email inbox.

8.   This account is between you and Chemical Abstract Services (CAS). For problems setting up your account, email

Last Updated: Sep 6, 2024 8:10 AM