Japanese Eyes, American Heart: Personal Reflections of Hawaii's World War II Nisei Soldiers (2 South and SCUA) D753.8 .J37 1998
A Different Battle: Stories of Asian Pacific American Veterans (2 South and SCUA) D811 .A2 D54 1999 (MIS)
United States Army Military Intelligence Service (MIS): Personal Accounts of Japanese American Veterans: Oral History Project of the Japanese American Citizens League, Florin Chapter (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 U525 1997
Silent Warrior: A Memoir of America's 442nd Regimental Combat Team (SCUA) D756 .W28 1995
I Can Never Forget: Men of the 100th/442nd (2 South) D769.31 100th .C52 1991
Honor Bound: A Personal Journey (2 South) Video 003497 and (SCUA) V203 (442nd)
Uncommon Courage: Patriotism and Civil Liberties (SCUA) V396 (MIS)
Oral History Interview with Toshio Hamataka (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 H36 1993 (442nd)
Oral History Interview with Shuki Hayashi (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 H39 1999 (442nd)
Oral History Interview with Frank Iritani (2 South and SCUA) E183 .J3 I75 1996 (MIS)
Oral History Interview with Robert Kashiwagi (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 K375 1999 (442nd)
Oral History Interview with James Kurata (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 K87 1999 (442nd)
Oral History Interview with Yoshiro Matsuhara (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 M38 1993 (MIS)
Oral History Interview with Minoru Namba (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 N27 1998 (MIS)
Oral History Interview with Kazuo Ninomiya (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 N536 1995 (MIS)
Oral History Interview with Susumu Satow (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 S3795 1996 (442nd)
Oral History Interview with Homer Takahashi (2 South and SCUA) E184 .J3 T299 1999 (442nd)