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United Nations Documents

LIst of Non-Governmental Organzations (NGO)


       "As the twentieth century ended, "global civil society" was a phrase being increasingly heard. A diverse collection of NGOs, churches, foundations, and the media was becoming increasingly prominent, vocally challenging the exclusive rights of governments to speak for their people. To their supporters, these organizations represented an authentic flowering of a citizen-led politics that could speak directly for the voiceless and powerless. However, to their critics they were unelected meddlers, special interest groups that had allowed their self-proclaimed virtue to go to their heads.'' ...... "From the very first session of the General Assembly (London, 1946), there began a process of accrediting a growing number of NGOs to the United Nations."  -- Kennedy, Paul M. 2006. The Parliament of Man : the Past, Present, and Future of the United Nations / Paul Kennedy. 1st ed. New York: Random House.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, a standing committee of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). considers requests for consultative status and receives requests from NGOs for items to be placed on the ECOSOC's agenda (if the NGO in question is accredited to the ECOSOC's Category I status.

Non-Governmental Liaison Services

List of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council
as at 1 September 2019

List of Non-Governmental Organization Accredited to the Conference of States Parties

List of Non-Governmental Organizations listed in UNESCO page.

Organizations Formally Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (May 2022)

Useful Links -- UN and Civil Society: Cooperation Opportunities for NGOs

Last Updated: Jan 25, 2024 1:48 PM