This guide will help you find information about international relations. Click the tabs above to find online and print resources.
If you need additional help with your research, I'm available for consultations. Just email or call me.
Hong Wang
Library Room 2002
Phone: 916-278-6373
Dictionary of politics : selected American and foreign political and legal terms JA 61 .R39 1992
The dictionary of 20th-century world politics JA 61 .S53 1993
Arms Control, Disarmament, and Military Security Dictionary. ref JX 1974 .E45
International Relations Dictionary. ref JX 1226 .P55 1988
International Law Dictionary. ref JX 1226 .B57
International Organizations and World Order Dictionary. ref JX 1995 .A4595 1992
What's what in world politics : a reference book JX 1226 .C47 1987
World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties. ref JF 2011 .W67 1987
International Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Administration. ref H 98 .I574
The encyclopedia of the United Nations and international relations JX 1977 .O8213 1990
Encyclopedia of the Third World. ref HC 59.7 .K87
Encyclopedia of U.S. foreign relations (4 volumes) ref E 183.7 .E53 1997
Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy:
Studies of the Principal Movements and Ideas. ref JX 1407 .E53 (3 volumes)
The encyclopedia of international boundaries ref JX 4111 .E53 1995
World Encyclopedia of Peace. ref JZ 5533 .W67 1999
The following electronic databases index articles in newspapers, magazines and journals, many of which are full-text. They are available from the Library Homepage (/) by selecting Databases and Periodical Indexes. These databases are accessible from library Network Stations and from campus computer labs. For connecting to library databases from off-campus, please read instructions here>
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) CQ Researcher (CQ Press)
Country Reports JSTOR (All Subjects)
Proquest Newspapers Social Sciences Full Text
Project Muse: Scholarly Journals Online Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO)
LexisNexis Academic World Almanac (OCLC)
WorldCat (for books and articles) Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)
OneSearch (located on the World Wide Web at the Library Homepage) lists books, master’s theses,
government documents, media, etc. that the library owns on all subjects. It also lists which periodicals
the library owns by the name of the periodical. These materials can be searched by author, title, subject,
or keyword. The advanced keyword search helps you limit your search by material type, location, language,
and year of publication, etc.
Subject terms
The Library of Congress Subject Headings lists specific subject terms to use in EUREKA. The following is a list of some subject terms useful in searching world politics and international affairs.
International relations World politics periiodicals
International Relations Decision Making International Relations World Politics 20th Century Case Studies
Economic Aspects International Relations History World Politics 21st Century
International Relations Methodology World Politics Maps
International Relations Periodicals World Politics Handbooks Manuals Etc
International Relations Philosophy Comparative Government
International Relations Political Aspects Comparative Government Periodicals
International Relations Psychological Aspects Comparative Government Research
International Relations Social Aspects International Organization
International Relations Statistics International Agencies
United States -- International relations
Periodicals are located in Floor 3 South, shelved alphabetically by title. Volumes published prior to 1980 are shelved on Lower Level. Current newspapers are in 3 South Newsprint until replaced by microfilm in Floor 2 North. The following are the major printed indexes to periodical articles.
CSA political science & government (ABC Pol Sci.). Index Area JA 71 .A214
PAIS international in print. Index Area HZ 7163 .P94
Social Sciences Index. Index Area AI 3 .R494
Social Sciences Citation Index. Index Area HZ7161.S62
Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals. ref UGZ 5063 .A2 A4
Peace Research Abstracts Journal. ref JX 1901 .P38
Governments of the world : a student companion ref JF 127 .P56 1998
Political systems of the world ref JF 51 .D467 1996
World government ref JF 51 .W65 1990
Parliaments of the world : a comparative reference compendium ref JF 501 .P36 1986
Europa World Year book. ref D 2 .E87 (1989-current)
Political risk yearbook JX 1252 .P65 2001 (8 volumes)
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. ref G 63 .W67 2001
Culturgrams: the Nations Around Us. ref GT 150 .C85 2000
Countries of the World. ref D 848 .C6 (1980-94)
Country Reports
Portals to the World
Worldmark encyclopedia of the nations (Vol. 6) ref. G 63 .W67 2001
Founders of modern nations : a biographical dictionary ref D 226.7 .H36 1995
Heads of state and government ref JF 37 .D3 2000
Who's who in world politics : from 1860 to the present day ref. D 21.3 .P35 1996
The International year book and statesmen's who's who ref JF 37 .I5 (1953-1996)
Kingdoms of Europe : an illustrated encyclopedia of ruling monarchs from ancient times to the
present D 107 .G85 1982
Statesmen who changed the world: a bio-bibliographical dictionary of diplomacy ref D 108 .S73
Modern world rulers : a chronology ref JF 37 .L35
Who's who in the United Nations and related agencies JX 1977 .W467 1992
(Statistical publications on individual countries appear under ref HA 12-HA 175 and HA 741-HA 5000)
International historical statistics : the Americas, 1750-1993 ref HA 175 .M55 1998
International historical statistics : Europe, 1750-1993 ref HA 1107 .M5 1998
International historical statistics : Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750-1993 ref HA 4675 .M552 1998
African statistical yearbook ref HA 1955 .U5 (1998)
Asia-Pacific in figures. ref HA 4551 .A853 1999
Political data handbook : OECD countries ref HA 155 .P65 1997
Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean. Ref HA 755 .A5 (1985--)
World population projections to 2150 ref HA 155 .W67 1998
The illustrated book of world rankings ref HA 155 .K87 2001
Statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique Ref HA 12.5 .U63 (1989-1998)
United Nations. Demographic Yearbook. ref HB 881 .D4
Yearbook of Labour Statistics. ref HD 4826 .I63
Yearbook of National Accounts Statistics. ref HC 79 .I5 D9
World Economic Outlook: a Survey by the Staff of the International Monetary Fund. ref HC 59 .W64
UNESCO Statistical Yearbook. ref HA 40 .C8 U53
World Military and Social Expenditures. ref HJ 7469 .S58
World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers. Gov Docs AC 1.16:
World Armaments and Disarmament: SIPRI Yearbook. ref UA 10 /S69a
Code of Federal regulations. Title 22 Foreign Relations Ref KF 70 .A3
(Also online at
United States Government Manual. ref JK 404 .A3
Foreign relations of the United States/ Department of State,
United States of America (2 North GovDoc S 1.1 :)
Foreign relations of the United States (Online) 1861-1958/1960 [375 vols.]
U.S. Department of State-- Office of the Historian
Historical Document --Foreign Relations of the United States (1945-1976)
The Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series presents the official documentary
historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity.
MarciveWeb DOCS: A Catalog of U.S. Government publications, reports, and maps from July 1976 to the present.
Government Documents (by Ben Amata, government document librarian)
For a more detailed information on UN document, please visit this guide "United Nations Document".
Everyone's United Nations: a Handbook on the United Nations, its Structure and Activities.
ref JX 1977 .A37 E9
The encyclopedia of the United Nations and international relations ref JX 1977 .O8213 1990
Historical Dictionary of the United Nations. ref JX 1977 .B395 1995
United Nations. Yearbook. ref JX 1977 .A37 Y4
Annual Review of United Nations Affairs. ref JX 1977 .A1 A5
United Nations Disarmament Yearbook. ref JK 1974 .U546
United Nations Publications Catalogue. ref JXZ 6485 .C37
United National Documents Index. Index Area JXZ 6482 .U45
(For United Nations treaties, see search guide to United Nations Document at ) Most treaties are in the reference and circulating book stacks in the call number JX. This includes such series as United States Treaties and Other International Agreements and the United Nations Treaty Series. Treaties can be located in the EUREKA Computer Catalog under the name of the country, e.g., "Russia--Foreign Relations--Treaties" or under the more general heading "Treaties--Collections".
Treaties and Alliances of the World. ref JX 4005 .T72
World treaty index (5 volumes) 2 NORTH Reference JX 171 .R63
Treaties in force; a list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States.
(1956--2004) 2 NORTH Reference JX 236 .A2
Cumulative list and index of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded
with the Secretariat of the United Nations 2 NORTH Reference JX 171 .V35 (2 v.)
Key treaties for the great powers, 1814-1914( 2 volumes) 2 NORTH Reference JX 151 .H87
Treaties and other international agreements of the United States of America, 1776-1949 (12 volumes)
2 NORTH Reference JX 236 .A465
United States treaties and other international agreements (1950 v.1--1983-84 v.35)
2 NORTH Gov Docs S 9.12:
Treaties and other international acts series 2 NORTH Gov Docs S 9.10:
Governement Sites
World Fact Book-- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Country profiles.
The State Department
Links to press briefings, policy issues, economics and energy, arms control and security, public diplomacy and public affairs, and assistance and development.
U.S. Senate Committe on Foreign Relations
U.S. House Committee on Foreign Relations
Other Sites
Foreign Affairs Online
A broad range of international relations topics, under categories of reference material, governments, international law and organization, international affairs.
The Global Site
Gateway to world politics, society and culture.
A selection of resources arranged topically and geographically.
Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA)
Complete wire coverage of the latest international events
The Canadian Institute of International Affairs
List of links to other foreign-affairs-related sites.
The United Nations
Latest news from the world body, a calendar of U.N. events, various U.N. documents...
A clearinghouse for the various embassies in Washington.
The Council on Foreign Relations
Latest news in foreign relations, policy studies, links to its publication, Foreign Affairs...
The BBC News Web News by regions of the world, liver forums...
The European Union
Information on Europe and European Union....
Foreign Policy
Access to articles from its current issue (subscription required), a list of international links broken down by topic...
Virtual Resources: International Relations Research Resources on the Web
Annotated links to resources in a wide variety of categories.
Irish Times
Weather reports of any paper in the world and their international news coverage.
Human Rights Watch
International human rights concerns broken down by region and issue, its publications including World Report.....