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Ethnic Studies African American Studies


Books can serve as a solid foundation for a research paper. Books can provide depth and coverage to a topic. Use OneSearch to find books.

When looking at a book, be sure to browse the bibliography or reference list and identify titles of interest. You can look up books you find that way in OneSearch. You can see if we own the journal by checking the OneSearch and limiting your search by Material Type to Journals.

Find Books with OneSearch

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OneSearch Advanced Search

OneSearch has replaced the EUREKA Library Catalog!

Use the advanced search and be sure to limit your search to Books (use the dropdown associated with Material Type) to retrieve monographs in print and electronic format on African American Studies.


Keyword Searching:
  • Searches only for the words, not the concepts.
  • Is often the best search to do initially, until you know what the Subject terms are.
  • Can be used in conjunction with an outline to conceptualize a topic.


Subject Searching (Change the search Dropdown Box from "Any" to "in subject"):
  • Searches the concept (as defined by the Library of Congress Subject Headings)
  • Is often better done when the keyword search isn't garnering material appropriate to the topic.
  • May take more work, but will yield better results than a keyword search.



Subject Headings

Some Subject Headings of note. To find materials which are held in the University Library (print sources) please click the link Library Catalog (left hand side of the screen) upon clicking these links.


Last Updated: Sep 9, 2024 11:18 AM