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Open Access Publishing

CSUS | Academic Publishing

Publishing & Scholarship Support
The University Library is available to meet with individual and small groups to provide information about copyright, authors' rights, and publishing agreements. The team can also provide instruction or workshops to larger campus groups as needed. Contact the Publishing & Scholarship Support Team.

View the Academic Senate Resolution on Supporting Open Access at Sacramento State.


Open Access Publishing Fund

Interested in publishing in an OA journal but need help covering the Article Processing Charge (APC)? The University Library is here to help! Follow this link for details Open Access Publishing Fund.

Public Access Mandates & Information Resources

Most research is made possible through grants from taxpayer funded organizations. Increasingly, research funders require some level of 'openness' in access to published outputs resulting from these types of grants. At this time there are not uniform guidelines and researchers are advised to compare the requirements of the funding organisation against those of the publisher. 

  • Overview of OSTP Responses (FigShare)

    Chart providing a visual summary of requirements of individual agency public access policies.

  • Sherpa Juliet
    Sherpa Juliet is a searchable database and single focal point of up-to-date information concerning research funders' policies and their requirements on open access, publication and data archiving.

  • Journal Checker Tool (JCT)
    The Journal Checker Tool is provided by cOAlition S to authors to support them in finding Plan S compliant “routes” through which to publish their articles. The tool allows an author to enter the name of a funder, an institution and the journal to which they plan to submit an article, and checks if this combination of funder, institution and journal offers any route to compliance with Plan S.

  • Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR)
    (Check the box for Only Open Access Journals)
    The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Journals can be compared or analysed separately. Country rankings may also be compared or analysed separately. Journals can be grouped by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (309 specific subject categories) or by country. Citation data is drawn from over 34,100 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers and country performance metrics from 239 countries worldwide. 


Sac State Scholars - An institutional repository and faculty profile system, Sac State Scholars hosts, preserves, and celebrates Sac State's scholarly and creative output. It highlights areas of expertise and helps connect our community with potential partners and collaborators. Sac State Scholars 

Check here with the Open Access Directory's List of discipline specific repositories

OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) 
OpenDOAR is the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. We host repositories that provide free, open access to academic outputs and resources. Each repository record within OpenDOAR has been carefully reviewed and processed by a member of our editorial team which enables us to offer a trusted service for the community.

Open Science Foundation (OSF) - OSFPreprints 
Leading preprint service providers use this open source infrastructure to support their communities.

arXiv | Cornell University 
arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for 2,306,439 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.

What about abandoned or orphaned research? From CLOCKS:
The world is unpredictable. Geo-political, technological, economic, and environmental change can create challenges in all aspects of society. Research and knowledge have already been lost due to these global challenges and lapses in content management techniques. CLOCKSS exists to mitigate these risks so authors, libraries, and publishers don’t have to worry. CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) employs a unique approach to archiving (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) that was initiated by Stanford University librarians in 1999. Digital content is stored in the CLOCKSS archive with no user access unless a “trigger” event occurs. The LOCKSS technology regularly checks the validity of the stored data and preserves it for the long term.
Overview in English (pdf)


Identifying Predatory Publishers

Think, Check, Submit
Tools and practical resources, aiming to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications.

Beall's List (with 2021 update)
List of potential predatory publishers created by a librarian Jeffrey Beall.

COPE - Predatory Publishing
The COPE predatory publishing discussion document introduces issues, and analyses potential solutions, around predatory publications.

Understanding Predatory Publishers | Research Guide from Iowa State University

Understanding Unethical Publishing Practices | Brown University Library

Predatory vs. legitimate publishing  Evaluating Scholarly Journals Infographic by Allen Press via FrontMatter (CC BY ND NC 3.0)

Choosing a Journal

Consider these:

  • What do you know about the publisher? How is the journal considered among your peers?
  • Is your research a good fit for the journal?  
  • How long will the publisher take to review and publish your article?  

Additional tools to help investigate, journal influence, scope, acceptance rates, and other considerations when searching:

JournalGuide is a free tool created by a group of software developers, former researchers, and scholarly publishing veterans at Research Square. Our goal for JournalGuide is to bring all sources of data together in one place to give authors a simple way to choose the best journal for their research. Our data sources include major industry data sets, public resources, information submitted directly by journal editors, and even real-life publishing experiences submitted by authors like you. 

Google Scholar Metrics
Sort by top or by category

Selecting a Journal for Publication - Kennesaw State University Research Guide
This guide provides you with a few tips on how to find the right journal and what tools and metrics to use.


Issues in OA

Articles Processing Charges (APCs) - With a $1,500 average charge per article, APCs exclude researchers from publishing and participating. Even when a percentage is waived the fee can be a significant part of income. 

Check out these articles for more information:
Thomas Klebel, Tony Ross-Hellauer; The APC-barrier and its effect on stratification in open access publishing. Quantitative Science Studies 2023; 4 (1): 22–43. doi:

Smaller pool of journals - Researchers may feel pressured to only publish in a journal where their institution has made selective agreements with its publishing house.  


Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 2:01 PM