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ANTH 105: Anthropology of War (Barata)


Highlights of Statista for ANTH 105

While you can rely on a keyword search in Statista, below are some specific categories of Statista you may want to navigate to, particularly if you are looking for statistics related to a specific country. Follow the navigation pathway indicated at each bullet point.

  • Outlooks --> Country Outlook
    • Country Outlooks provide the following kinds of information for any given country:
      • current key figures and forecasts on the economic and social development of a country
      • economy, labor force, business environment, digital economy, society, public sector, environment, and health
  • Reports --> Country Reports
    • Country Reports provide the following kinds of information for any given country:
      • population-related data (e.g. total population, death rate, mortality rate, life expectancy)
      • economy (e.g. GDP; employment, inflation)
      • national finances (e.g. debt, government and military expenditure)
  • Reports --> Politics & Society
    • These reports contain detailed information about sociopolitical topics of countries and regions, including the economy, elections, demographics, religious affiliations, education, and health. 
    • You can do keyword searches and/or focus on specific countries within these reports to find those pertaining to war, peace, conflict, etc. 

Research Institutes and Organizations

The following institutions provide data and statistics that pertain to war, conflict, violence, and peace. Many of these will touch on various topics for your term paper on an ethnographic perspective of war, including sub-topics related to indigenous populations, youth, gender and sexuality, religion, technology, globalization, resource acquisition, social media, and more. Sub-topics are indicated in bold or are in the title of the resource.

Last Updated: Jul 9, 2024 2:18 PM