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Finding Books at the University Library

Borrowing Books from Other Libraries

Current CSUS students and employees can request books, articles, and media not available at the University Library through CSU+ and OCLC WorldCat at no cost.

If you are still unable to locate what you are looking for, you may want to contact the Ask Find Use Desk

More questions? Check out the Interlibrary Loan FAQ.

Use First: CSU+

CSU+ searches the holdings of all 23 California State University campus libraries. If the item you are looking for is unavailable at the CSUS library, try this first. Search CSU+ in OneSearch by selecting "Books & Media (all CSU)" in the drop down menu.

1. If you find the item you are looking for, click on its link and you will see the the following under "View It":

2. Sign in, and you will see this message:

3. Select "Request from CSU+" to request the item

4. Hit submit when this menu appears:

5. You will receive an email when the book arrives and you can pick it up from the service desk on the first floor.

Try Next: WorldCat

OCLC WorldCat is your next resource if what you are searching for is unavailable in searches the collections of both local libraries and thousands around the world.

1. If you find the item you are searching for, open it, and you will see (for example) the the following:

2. Under "Services for this item, select "Interlibrary Loan Request" to request the item.

3. You will be directed to the Sac State library's interlibrary loan service, ILLiad. The first time you login, you will need to provide your contact information. Please note that it is at the discretion of the library whether they will fulfill an interlibrary loan request through OCLC WorldCat.

4. When your item has arrived, you will receive an email notifying you that it is ready to be picked up at the services desk on the first floor of the library.

Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025 10:40 AM