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Step by Step: Details of the Research Process

Use this guide to learn how how the research process works.


This flowchart should give you a good idea of the order in which to conduct library research. For more information on any step refer to the tabs above, or ask a Librarian.  Happy ReSearching.

Library Research Flowchart

Select a topic

 gather information


Text Version of Research Flowchart

  1. Select Topic
    1. Do Background Reading
    2. Narrow/Broaden Search
    3. Create Thesis Statement
  2. Develop Search Strategy
    1. Create list of keywords
    2. List questions to be answered
    3. Write a draft outline
  3. Gather Materials
    1. Books
    2. Articles
    3. Web Sites
  4. Evaluate Resources
    1. Currency
    2. Reliabitliy
    3. Authority
    4. Accuracy
    5. Point of View
  5. Read, Write, Edit: Organize Your Thoughts
    1. Think about what you've read
    2. Synthesize the information
    3. Write Your Paper
  6. Revise/Rewrite if necessary
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2024 4:57 PM