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Cited Reference Searching

Explains where to find the citation searching option in various databases.

What to Look For...

It varies by database, but typical language used to describe citation searching includes: "cited by", "citing articles", "citing documents", "times cited" etc.  Most importantly, the words used do not mean the same thing in every database. So this type of searching can be confusing.

The Database List is Not Comprehensive... But Should Give You an Idea of What to Look For


In the article summary look for "citation count." To see the cited references, click on the title of the record and then "Cited By" in tabs.
ACM summary record

EBSCO Databases

It works in only some of the EBSCO databases (American History and Life, CINAHL, and PsychInfo).
Look for Times Cited in this Database on the results page.
summary record in CINAHL 
Click here for an explanation of Cited Reference searching in CINAHL from the Univeristy of Nebraska. It will work in any EBSCO database that allows Cited Searching.

Engineering Village

The "Cited By" appears in the summary record, if you searched in Compendex.
Note: You will not be able to link to the records, only see a list of cited articles (because we don't have a subscription to Scopus).

summary record from EI Village/Compendex database


Google Scholar

Google Scholar makes citation searching easy (it is Google after all). It is one of the largest databases for this type of searching and it is free...
Be sure to add our library in the Library Links box in under "Scholar Preferences" or you won't be able to open many of the articles you find.

Look for "Cited by..." at the end of an entry.Location of cited by in a Google entry


Links to list of cited references in Google Scholar. Look for "Items Citing this Item"
JSTOR summary with location of cited by noted


Click on the article title, if the article has been cited, there will be a list of the cited articles in a box on the right side of the page.
Note: The "Related Citations" link found on the results list is not a citation search.

Pubmed article summary


Open article and look for link to Cited articles in Google.

Sage Open articles


Click on the article title, if the article has been cited, there will be a list of the cited articles in a box on the right side of the page.
Note: The "Related Articles" link found on the results list is not a citation search.

List of ScienceDirect cited articles


Scirus is a science focused search engine that searches across multiple databases and displays the Cited References in the format of the original database.

Web of Science

Run a basic search to identify articles, then  look for the "cited references" on the right side of the screen.
web of science - cited references

Or open database and select "Cited Reference Searching" from the type of search options and enter the required information from the known aritlce you want cited.
web of science search


Wiley Interscience

Click on the article title, and look for the "Cited By" tab near the bottom of the record.
Wiley record summary

Last Updated: Mar 11, 2024 1:01 PM